Sunday 15 May 2011

Week 17, 07.05.11 – 13.05.11 (Professional Blog) – Mandy Brown

This week I completed my University work and visited two new settings.  

In terms of University work I have completed all work that I will submit next week.  My host University appears to have a more relaxed approach to meeting submission deadlines, as late submissions do not have a penalty like Stranmillis.  I dislike this approach as it lacks focus on self-discipline and in my opinion is a poor way to guide students into the transition of working life where meeting deadlines can be essential.  However, I have continued to work effectively and independently to meet relevant submission dates within good time.  Stranmillis’ methods have taught me to meet deadlines and perhaps as a mature student, I prefer this due to working full-time. 

This week I visited two different settings: a Children’s Centre and Turku International School.    The Children’s Centre was an interesting experience where the manager showed me around and had a discussion.  The centre cares for children aged 0 – 18 years old whom face difficult circumstances at home and/or school.  Currently it has seven places caring for adolescents; and they are encouraged to become independent young people.  The centre had an individual apartment attached for other cases, such as a mother and baby in need of help.  The facilities offered were excellent with a nice calm and relaxed atmosphere. 

During my visit to Turku International School I also experienced a relaxed atmosphere.  It was somewhat different to schools in N.I.  Firstly the children are not with one teacher for the entire school day, they move classrooms for different lessons.  They also tended to have a 10-15 minute break of free time in between lessons.  In addition to this I found (like the pre-school) that teachers were not under any pressure to make yearly, termly or weekly plans.  It is important to note that the teachers and children are clearly not facing the same pressures as of N.I.  The school has adapted its core curriculum to include part of England’s curriculum for teaching English.  Furthermore, on another note, Child Protection and security are not a major concern, as there were no fences around the playground and no security code system at the main entrance.  Even with these differences to N.I that surprise me, it all runs smoothly; and therefore I like the provision.

Finally this week I have also focused on updating my Curriculum Vitae and applying for employment back in N.I because I will need to return to work. 

Cultural Note: Finland’s Mother’s Day was on Sunday 8th May and all the shops and supermarkets were closed for this holiday.  It gives the impression that the Finnish take advantage of whatever holidays they can get!

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