Monday 25 April 2011

Week 14, 16.04.11 – 22.04.11 (Cultural Blog) – Mandy Brown

As time goes on I am taking opportunities to experience various surrounding countries of Finland.  Previous blogs have included visiting Norway and Russia; and so Estonia follows this week.  I travelled to Tallinn for the cultural experience and to meet with my friend.  I was pleased that spring arrived in Estonia as well as in Finland.  Therefore I was able to pack away my winter clothing and sent it back home.  Temperatures were well into plus degrees not unlike home.  In addition to this I was glad to experience a country that was less expensive!  For example, provided I took the time to view menus around the town I got a decent meal for a reasonable price.  This encouraged me to be more relaxed about dining out whereas in Finland I am conscious of the more expensive prices.

The natives in Tallinn seemed much the same as the Finnish people – quiet and did not say more than absolutely necessary.  They spoke fluent English which was useful for me, however I soon realised that they also spoke Finnish.  Furthermore when I was in a shop, the assistant spoke to me in what I thought was Finnish, but was in fact Estonian.  She explained to me (in English) however that the two languages were similar.  I explored the medieval ‘old town’ of Tallinn which appeared to be small.  It was a quaint place and things could be seen within a matter of one or two days.  The people working in the old town were in medieval dress which I thought was a nice way to attract visitors to the town.

I participated in a bus tour of the city to learn about the main sights.  It seemed in general, the city was tiny and that everything was within walking distance.  Therefore following the tour I set off on foot to explore more.  This allowed me to see that not the entire city was pretty and that there were poorer areas. 

On a professional note – as I walked through Tallinn I noticed numerous children’s play parks, similar to Finland in that they were spaced out around the city.  I enjoyed observing the comparison to Northern Ireland and that there seemed to be a high importance on quality outdoor play facilities.

Finally, it is now a matter of weeks before I return home and the experiences I have gained from Finland and the surrounding countries seem worthwhile.  I look forward to reporting to others of my experiences and hope that I return as a more culturally informed individual, able to reflect on my own cultural differences.

Picture: View of the 'old town' in Tallinn.

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