Saturday 4 June 2011

Week 19, 21.05.11 – 27.05.11 (Personal Blog) – Mandy Brown

This week was my last in Finland.  I continued with my presentations in St Olofsskolan; met my student tutors for the final time, and packed and returned home to Northern Ireland. 

Generally, the presentations went well with the students and I found that I could talk with them at their level.  The school appeared very relaxed and somewhat different to that of Northern Ireland.  For example, there is a more casual relationship between student and teacher, where they are more like equals – casually dressed in jeans and teachers called by their forename rather than surname.  I spoke to the teachers about this and their response was that it would feel strange to be named by Mister or Missus.  I was glad to have the opportunity to engage in this project as it was a challenge for me to present to an older group of students, and I value the experience for the future.

During my last evening in Turku I met with my student tutors to say our final farewells.  This was a lovely experience, we enjoyed a coffee and chat and went to the local cinema together.  I had been given some free cinema tickets as a thank you for participating in the school project, therefore making the most of this.  It was a sad time to be finally leaving and on reflection, we all agreed it would have been nice to spend more free-time together.  However, I welcomed them to Northern Ireland in the future and hope to keep in contact.

Finally, I flew home on Saturday evening.  Unfortunately the flight was delayed which was disappointing.  However on a more positive note – I was happy to be returning home, no matter how long the delay was.  Everything has more or less come to an end, and I am one of the few exchange students left to go home.  It is a sad time, as I have met many great people from other parts of the world whom I hope I will be in contact with in the future.

Overall, the Erasmus experience has been excellent and I would have no hesitation in recommending it to other students considering studying abroad.  It was a great opportunity to experience so many other things, and helped in broadening my views and knowledge outside of Northern Ireland.